Here's what I've been working on recently. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Absolutely loved these when I was a kid. When I got this assignment it was like being 12 again. Client didn't know it at the time, but when we went over the brief I was already thinking of accomplishing two of my childhood dreams on this project.

Make my own Transformer.
Make my own video game.

Here's a quick video of the site.

So here's the game. It took a lot to pull this off. It became one of those projects that pushes everyone on it to the next level. Apparently I wasn't the only 12 year old that dreamed of working on Transformers. I really appreciate everyone that chipped in and worked late hours. Animation was done by Replaced By Robots. Very solid crew of guys that did whatever it took to make it great. I think they tripled their rendering farm just for this project, and I lost count of the hours we spent going over how the robot should look, move and transform.

I also created the world's first and only transforming Instant Messenger window. I was told flat out that it couldn't be done, but at this point in the project we were doing a lot of things that people thought we couldn't do.

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